The dance instructor should no longer be susceptible to getting out of position.
Added audio cues for flying through the rings during "Flying High".
Updated the audio on the Risa Event map.
Added additional verification so the proper player ship will appear at the character select screen.
This bonus will not stack with multiple players using the set.
Resolved an issue that prevented the Ground M.A.C.O 3-piece set bonus from applying to all attacks and to all members of the players' team.
The Captain's Table will now properly gate access based on veteran or lifetime status.
Fuse Armor will no longer break on damage.
Creating an off duty costume slot no longer requires the player to create a standard costume slot then convert it.
The T5 Romulan Reputation mission, “Secrets of the Ancients,” should now be able to be completed once again.
If you've already obtained Rank 5, you may need to slot a project and then cancel it to receive your reward.
Completing Rank 5 of the Romulan Reputation will now grant Romulan players the bonus reward Federation and Klingon players receive.
If you've already obtained Rank 5, you may need to slot a project and then cancel it to receive your reporting instructions.
Completing Rank 5 of the Nukara Reputation now directs the character to report to the Nukara base camp, where the commander will provide a significant reward.
Ship shields will now appropriately display their values while in sector space.
The Scimitar’s shields will now properly regenerate while cloaked if the Singularity Distribution Unit is equipped.
The TOS Romulan uniforms should now allow proper tinting for all pieces and color palates for all items should now match each other.
Items that were attached to in-game mail that were lost should now be back in your mailbox.