Skyrim dwemer engineer mod
Skyrim dwemer engineer mod

They only deactivated when removed from a ruin as a security measure, but with specialized tools and knowledge it was possible to reprogram them to perform other tasks. Research in the Second Era suggested the animunculi found in much of western Tamriel were powered by soul gems. Returning the animunculus to the region's vicinity somehow restores its functionality.

skyrim dwemer engineer mod

Constructs from Vvardenfell that are removed from the region are unable to function in other parts of Tamriel. It is not clear if they are powered directly by the energy of the soul or by some kind of harmonic resonance with the energies contained in the soul gem. Constructs around Tamriel, such as in Skyrim and Solstheim, are equipped with individual soul gems or dynamo cores. Dwemer animunculi function on steam power, magic and tonal architecture.

Skyrim dwemer engineer mod