Dragon mania legends campaign map
Dragon mania legends campaign map

Make sure you are using the correct elements against their opposite elements, and you will also need to be pretty close in levels to your opponent in order to beat them. All dragons have strengths and weaknesses depending on their elemental stats, and level up with feeding and training. You ultimately need to get to and beat quest 68, which is pretty far into the game. You can spend real money to progress faster, but the game is easily beatable without spending a penny. There are a few miscellaneous achievements, but you will get most achievements naturally by following the quest line. The game is cross play between Windows and Windows phone, and any progress or achievements you unlock in one will load and unlock on the other the next time you start it up. The game is bright and colourful, and the achievements are all really simple but due to having to wait for dragons to hatch, food to grow, and buildings to build in real time, this will take a very long time to finish. You are tasked with building breed, raise and train a small army of dragons and battle your way against the vikings and their dragons to reclaim your islands. You can also battle online for experience and coins. Unobtainable/glitched achievements: Noneĭragon Mania Legends is a free to play online only strategy game, although most of the game is played in single player, the online element involves using friends dragons to help you and sending/receiving gifts. Does difficulty affect achievements: No

dragon mania legends campaign map

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 Approximate amount of time to 200 : 200+ hours Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10

Dragon mania legends campaign map